Ramusio, Paolo.. De bello Costantinopolitano et imperatoribus Comnenis per Gallos, et Venetos restitutis Historia.
Venice, apud Marc. Ant. Brogiolum., 1634Folio (313x210 mm.), [8] l., 279 p., [18] l. Contemporary carta rustica; printer's device on title page; 3 full-page illustrations; historiated letters at beginning of the prefaces and of each book.
Second Latin edition of this historical work by Paolo Ramusio, son of the more renown Giovanbattista, already accomplished by 1573 but first edited only in 1609. Born in 1556 as a commission by the Venetian government, this history was meant to celebrate the successful war led by Venice and the Crusaders against the Byzantine Empire in 1204 and culminated with the fall and the plunder of Constantinople. Nowadays, it still represents one of the main sources on the Fourth Crusade.
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