Galilei, Galileo.. Opere
Florence, Gaetano Tartini & Santi Franchi., 1718In Quarto, 3 volumes, (247 x 177 mm). Half-titles, engraved portrait, general title to vol. I in red and black with engraved vignette, engraved folding plate and woodcut diagrams. (Small marginal clean tear to V1 in vol. III.) Contemporary mottled calf, spine in compartments with gilt decorations and titles marbled edges. Binding slightly worn but a very good copy of the second edition of Galileo's collected works edited by Tommaso Buonaventuri. The first two volumes largely reproduce the material collected by Manolessi in the first edition, published in Bologna by Evangelista Dozza in 1655-1656; the third volume is devoted to previously unpublished material, including a number of letters of Galileo, and notes on his work by Castelli and Viviani. Carli-Favaro 431; Cinti 170; Gamba 583; Riccardi I, 520 ('valuable edition').
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